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岡本の靴下 OKAMOTO 混羊毛發熱保暖襪 室內保暖

岡本の靴下 OKAMOTO 混羊毛發熱保暖襪 室內保暖

產品說明 台灣濕冷的天氣即將來臨 腳冷全身就會跟著發冷🥶 待在家總是覺得冷颼颼的 這款混羊毛的保暖襪 與明治國際醫療大學共同研發 在腳踝處設計了「高科技溫暖體」 更快溫暖全身 腳尖也包覆的非常完整 採用日本櫻花妹流行的泡泡襪設計 穿起來可愛俏皮 穿出門也不會覺得奇怪 襪筒的部分可以依照個人喜好調整高度 多種顏色可以選擇 滿足每個女孩的喜好 兩款限定色數量有限 喜歡的女孩趕緊下標呦!!   ✅貼心小提醒:含有羊毛成分肌膚敏感者下標前請需留意 ⚠️貼身衣物屬個人衛生用品,基於衛生考量無法退換貨⚠️   材質 壓克力纖維 羊毛 其他 尺寸 23~25cm   【日和優選Hiyori-專業日本在地代購 批發】為純日本公司海外直營店鋪,商品皆從日本直接寄送本公司所有產品都經由日本正規管道進貨,當地日系公司為30人團隊,中文、英文、日文都能對應。需要代購的客人,也歡迎與我們聯絡🙌✈日本空運✈ 確認您的款項後約 2 -...
SLIMWALK 纖伶 夜間美腿襪 壓力襪 提臀襪 美腿 美尻 階段壓力設計

SLIMWALK 纖伶 夜間美腿襪 壓力襪 提臀襪 美腿 美尻 階段壓力設計

¥2,400 – ¥2,800
產品說明 三段階段式加壓設計,就像抬腿一樣的效果 消除疲勞,隔天會感覺雙腿變得輕盈~不疲憊 NEW!特殊抒壓設計,足弓和腳背都超舒服 材質柔軟、透氣,穿一整夜也不會有勒痕   使用方法 1. 由腳尖處穿入,將前端拉至腳趾根部 2. 拉至腳踝,正確對準腳跟位置 3. 雙手拇指放入襪子內側平均向上拉,將圓形圖樣處對準膝蓋位置。 ※由於壓力較大,請邊注意邊慢慢往上拉 4. 將襪子均勻伸展至大腿。   尺寸選擇 S~M 身高:145 ~ 160 cm 臀圍:80 ~ 93 cm 大腿:45 ~ 53...
SLIMWALK 孅伶 Medical 淋巴高筒襪 黑色

SLIMWALK 孅伶 Medical 淋巴高筒襪 黑色

¥1,990 – ¥2,080
產品說明 ● 高壓階梯式壓力設計:從腳踝處逐漸收緊小腿,促進血液循環。 ● 小腿提拉設計 ● 羅紋編織簡單,彈性好。 網眼編織強力支撐   功效/作用 ・改善腿部腫脹 ・ 改善淋巴流動 ・促進血液循環   材質 尼龍、聚氨酯   如何選擇尺寸 <S 到 M 尺寸> 小腿 ・ ・ ・ 32-38cm 腳踝 ・...
【Deonatulle】soft stone armpit deodorizing antiperspirant stone 20g

【Deonatulle】soft stone armpit deodorizing antiperspirant stone 20g

Product description Deonatulle Soft Stone Stick Deodorant Underarm Antiperspirant Cream 20g A product strongly recommended by Cosme This product eliminates the odor of sweat. After use, the newly discharged sweat...
【KAO】Kao Warm Palace Stickers 5 pieces × 2 (new style)

【KAO】Kao Warm Palace Stickers 5 pieces × 2 (new style)

Product description Every time a girl has dysmenorrhea, her lower abdomen will feel heavy and her waist will be sore and cold, which is extremely uncomfortable! The pain during menstruation...
[KAO] Kao Steam Shoulder and Neck Stickers 16 pieces (new style)

[KAO] Kao Steam Shoulder and Neck Stickers 16 pieces (new style)

Product description The core technology of this product is the "steam heating film". The heating meter is located on the inside, which can deeply and comfortably warm the shoulder and...
【Lion】Lion Rest Time Heel Patch Gel Tablets 8 pieces

【Lion】Lion Rest Time Heel Patch Gel Tablets 8 pieces

Product introduction It is a foot mask containing jojoba oil, duvelia extract, fruit acids and more. Gel sheets containing lots of moisture take careful care of rough heels. It's easy...
【Lion】Lion Refreshing Massage Foot Patch for Foot and Calf Acupoints during Rest Time

【Lion】Lion Refreshing Massage Foot Patch for Foot and Calf Acupoints during Rest Time

¥1,160 – ¥1,250
Product description This is a foot patch that stimulates acupuncture points on the soles of the feet and has an excellent cooling effect. It uses a support that combines protrusions...
【KAO】Kao Steam Eye Mask 16 pieces

【KAO】Kao Steam Eye Mask 16 pieces

¥2,060 – ¥2,280
Product description ●Not only can it eliminate fatigue, soothe the mind and help you sleep, it can also relieve various eye problems such as dry eyes, soreness, and vision loss,...
【KAO】Kao cooling eye mask 4 pieces

【KAO】Kao cooling eye mask 4 pieces

Product introduction The cooling sensation lasts about 20 minutes Even in hot weather, you can feel cool during your lunch break or between work. Refreshing eucalyptus scent ●You will feel...
[Kobayashi Pharmaceutical] Shumian Fever Earplugs Temperature Sensing Earplugs (refill does not include the earplug body)

[Kobayashi Pharmaceutical] Shumian Fever Earplugs Temperature Sensing Earplugs (refill does not include the earplug body)

¥1,030 – ¥3,880
Product description Sleep heating earplugs Effectively isolates surrounding noise and prevents noise from affecting sleep Fever continues for 20 minutes Contents ◼Supplementary pack 7 pairs (14 pieces for heating supplements)...
【Kobayashi Pharmaceutical】Sleep Fever Earplugs Warm Sensing Earplugs

【Kobayashi Pharmaceutical】Sleep Fever Earplugs Warm Sensing Earplugs

¥980 – ¥2,300
Product description Sleep heating earplugs Effectively isolates surrounding noise and prevents noise from affecting sleep Fever continues for 20 minutes Contents ◼Main body + supplement Body (with earplugs in two...