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【DHC】Fiber Water Element 60 capsules/pack 30 days

【DHC】Fiber Water Element 60 capsules/pack 30 days

Product features: Due to the working style of women in today's society, they either stand or sit for long periods of time, coupled with the lack of appropriate exercise, which...
【DHC】Body fat management internal fat pills

【DHC】Body fat management internal fat pills

Japan's DHC body fat management internal fat pills 40 capsules for 20 days and 60 capsules for 30 days Serving size: 20th-40 capsules 30th-60 capsules Product Description: Contains wild mango...
【Fancl】 Fancl Perfect Slim W 90 capsules for 30 days

【Fancl】 Fancl Perfect Slim W 90 capsules for 30 days

Product introduction Contains a variety of active ingredients including olive leaf extract, sansho pepper extract, L-carnitine, and sweet potato ginger powder. These ingredients help you move more efficiently and support...
【Fancl】 Fancl Visceral Fat Support Body Shaping Tablets

【Fancl】 Fancl Visceral Fat Support Body Shaping Tablets

introduce Polymethoxyflavonoids with black ginger: 12mg Probiotics: Improve intestinal environment and increase activity Bifidobacteria BB536 (B.longum): 10 billion Bifidobacteria B-3(B.breve): 5 billion N-acetylglucosamine: 238mg➡️How to promote fat absorption by muscle...
【Fancl】 Fancl Thermal Control Slimming Tablets Adult Enhanced Edition (Dark Green Packaging)

【Fancl】 Fancl Thermal Control Slimming Tablets Adult Enhanced Edition (Dark Green Packaging)

¥3,980 – ¥10,800
Suitable Before enjoying a big meal: This is recommended by many Internet celebrities - a must-have for goddesses before meals Before the three high catering: high oil, high sugar, high...
【Fancl】 Fancl thermal control body tablets (light green packaging)

【Fancl】 Fancl thermal control body tablets (light green packaging)

¥2,100 – ¥4,800
Suitable Generally before three daily meals: the staple food is carbohydrates (rice, noodles, starch) Before snacks: small cakes and snacks for afternoon tea⋯Don’t ignore these small foods Small appetite Usage...
[Otsuka Pharmaceutical] otsuka Sage's Food 6g*30 packs

[Otsuka Pharmaceutical] otsuka Sage's Food 6g*30 packs

Product Description This is a product that can inhibit the absorption of sugar and fat and slow down the rise of blood sugar and neutral fat. Whether mixed with water,...
SVELTY 絲蓓緹 浮腫水腫對策 美腿小臉包 消水代謝丸

SVELTY 絲蓓緹 浮腫水腫對策 美腿小臉包 消水代謝丸

¥2,630 – ¥4,980
產品說明 減輕暫時性的臉部腫脹和腿部腫脹*(*暫時性的小腿腫脹)   推薦人群 常穿高跟鞋、時常久站,美腿變象腿 沒有運動習慣、喜冷食、冷飲導致體內積水 吃了高熱量高鹽湯水大餐,隔天不敢照鏡子 久坐又喝多了水或是酒,讓你像葫蘆⋯ 一感冒就嘟嘟的 腫是沒時間自己按摩⋯   成分: 木樨萃取物(木樨萃取物、麥芽糊精)、Hihatsu 萃取物(糊精、Hihatsu 萃取物)、澱粉分解物、月葵葉萃取物(糊精、Moonflower 葉萃取物)、明日葉、Dokudami 粉、植物萃取物(植物萃取物:薏苡仁、紅豆 、蓮子、車前子、人參、甘草)橙皮苷、明膠、硬脂酸鈣、二氧化矽、V.B1、 V.B2 服用方法 一天3粒,請配水或溫水飲用。早晚餐後、睡前使用佳。 【日和優選Hiyori-專業日本在地代購 批發】為純日本公司海外直營店鋪,商品皆從日本直接寄送本公司所有產品都經由日本正規管道進貨,當地日系公司為30人團隊,中文、英文、日文都能對應。需要代購的客人,也歡迎與我們聯絡🙌✈日本空運✈ 確認您的款項後約 2 - 6 個工作天(不含假日及日本國定假日)從日本倉庫寄出,約7-14天左右送到您手中(可能受即時國際航班狀況及台灣海關作業時間影響)。🔸 關於關稅 🔸  海外交易因各國規定不同,收件時需支付進口關稅等其他費用。(2kg以下小體積&輕型商品,基本上無關稅相關問題)根據買方所在的國家或是地區的法律和規範,進口關稅和相關稅費,須由買家負擔,請在購買前確認這些費用,謝謝。💁‍♀日本空運直送所有商品皆在日本當地經本公司細心包裝後透,過日本空運直接送到您手中。💁‍♀安心有保障日本法人商社直接經營,提供您最安心的服務。💁‍♀電器保固所有電器商品皆享日本原廠一年保固,期間內非人為損壞可協助代送日本原廠維修(送修運費需顧客您自行負擔)。另外我們提供「安心保固方案」(價格請參照各商品頁規格),您可自由選擇是否加購。凡加購安心保固者,自電器商品到貨起(以運送業者送達紀錄為準,且需回傳機器序號登錄)一年內,凡非人為因素所致之機器故障,本公司會協助您免費送回日本維修(來回日本運費由本公司負擔)。然而若經原廠維修判定故障係人為或不可抗力因素而不在保固範圍內(以原廠保固條款為準),則會依據實際發生的費用(包含來回運費、原廠維修相關費用)實報實銷向您請款。日和優選Hiyori為日本公司 (株)ブローバック...
【SVELTY】Sabetti Black Ginger Abdominal Fat Decomposing Enzyme 150 capsules

【SVELTY】Sabetti Black Ginger Abdominal Fat Decomposing Enzyme 150 capsules

Product introduction ●Functional label food (notification number E756) ●Functional ingredient black ginger extract polymethoxyflavonoids 12 mg Attention when eating Take 30 minutes before meals. 5 capsules a day Eating too...
【SVELTY】Sabetti Black Ginger Abdominal Fat Decomposing Enzyme 56 capsules

【SVELTY】Sabetti Black Ginger Abdominal Fat Decomposing Enzyme 56 capsules

Product introduction We've packed 6 herbs that have been loved for years, including carb-loving "yeast," including black ginger, into one capsule. Support your eating habits. ●New concept time capsule manufacturing...
【SVELTY】Splendi glycolytic yeast enzyme triple enhanced version

【SVELTY】Splendi glycolytic yeast enzyme triple enhanced version

Product introduction Japan's best-selling product, decomposin , allows you to relax and carry no weight after eating big fish and meat! Yeast can restructure carbohydrates, effectively absorb sugar and fat,...