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【Asahi】Asahi EBIOS Colon Relief 504 Tablets Lactobacillus Constipation Colon Relief is a designated quasi-medicine product

【Asahi】Asahi EBIOS Colon Relief 504 Tablets Lactobacillus Constipation Colon Relief is a designated quasi-medicine product

Product Description Contains 3 types of lactic acid bacteria to exert intestinal health effects. Dry yeast (beer yeast) is rich in nutrients (B vitamins, amino acids, nucleic acids, dietary fiber,...
[Asahi] Asahi EBIOS Beer Yeast Gastrointestinal Drug Designated as Quasi-drug

[Asahi] Asahi EBIOS Beer Yeast Gastrointestinal Drug Designated as Quasi-drug

Product Description This product is a designated pharmaceutical topical product made from the natural material dry yeast (brewer's yeast). effect ● Bloating, indigestion, and feeling of fullness in the stomach...
[SS Pharmaceuticals] White Rabbit brand motion sickness and seasickness medicine 10 capsules designated Class 2 pharmaceuticals

[SS Pharmaceuticals] White Rabbit brand motion sickness and seasickness medicine 10 capsules designated Class 2 pharmaceuticals

Product Description Aneron "Varnish Cap" is effective for nausea, dizziness, headaches and other symptoms caused by motion sickness. Capsules with excellent preventive and relieving effects. ●Because it is a long-acting...
【WAKAMOTO】Wakamoto Tablets Powerful Probiotic Lactobacillus Gastrointestinal Tablets

【WAKAMOTO】Wakamoto Tablets Powerful Probiotic Lactobacillus Gastrointestinal Tablets

¥1,830 – ¥4,030
Product Description Wakamoto gastrointestinal tablets are a product highly recommended by Xiao S on the show. In Japan, they are a common medicine in the medicine cabinet‼ ️ It is...
【第2類医薬品】合利他命製薬 大地的漢方 便秘薬

【第2類医薬品】合利他命製薬 大地的漢方 便秘薬

¥3,235 – ¥13,600
商品說明 ●「大地の漢方便秘薬」融合了由我們開發的「信州大黃」和「都甘草」。利用北海道的恩惠,以及契約農家的用心栽培,使用純國產生薬製成的漢方便秘薬。● 漢方處方「大黃甘草湯」能夠活動受阻的大腸,使排便順暢。● 建議睡前服用,約8至10小時後※次日清晨可獲得自然且平和的排便體驗。※個人差異存在。● 藥片上有劃分線,可依據便秘程度調整劑量,半片為一個單位。● 也可緩解便秘引起的腹部膨脹感和腹部不適等症狀。  注意事項 服用本藥物時請勿服用其他便秘藥以及瀉藥。 孕婦或疑似懷孕者請勿服用。 體質虛弱者(體力衰退者、身體虛弱者)請勿服用。 腸胃虛弱、容易腹瀉的人請勿服用。  有劇烈腹痛、噁心、嘔吐症狀的人請勿服用。 服用本藥後如果出現以下症狀,請立即停止服用諮詢醫生、藥劑師: 腹瀉伴隨劇烈腹痛、腹瀉、噁心/嘔吐 功效/效果●緩解便秘 ●緩解便秘引起的腹脹、丘疹(痤瘡)、腸道異常發酵、痔瘡、頭痛、潮熱、濕疹、皮膚炎、厭食(食慾不振)等症狀用法用量/用量 每日一次,按列量服用,無需咀嚼,睡前用水或熱水送服。藥片上有刻痕線,根據您的排便情況,一次增加或減少半片或一片的劑量。15 歲以上輕度便秘(2 至 3 天沒有排便):1 至 3 片重度便秘(4 天或更長時間沒有排便):2 至 4 片每天睡前一次5~ 14歲輕度便秘(2~3天沒有排便):半粒~1粒頑固性便秘(4天以上沒有排便):1~2粒每天睡前一次5 歲以下請勿服用與用法和給藥相關的注意事項(1)...